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Rain outs

July 16th update

All Diamonds  cancelled



Posted by David Thebeau, Created Tue May 2, 2023, Updated Tue Jul 16, 2024

Drinking/Smoking/Vaping Policy
Again for the 2023 season the DRSA Umpires will be enforcing the no smoking & no vaping rules at LFW (Anything within the home run fences is considered LFW), this does not apply to the parking lot:

Any player who is seen smoking or vaping by the umpire will be ejected for the night*. If the player verbally abuses the umpire in any form, the player will receive an additional minimum 8 game suspension. If there is a non-player who is associated with the team, ie. non-playing coach, score keeper, or fan associated with the team. The umpire will eject the coach, if it is a non-playing coach, the umpire will eject the next batter who is due at the plate. 
*If the ejection is in the first game the player is still ejected for the second game as well. 

If there is a spectator who is not associated with either team, the umpire will halt the game until the spectator has left the field.

If an umpire is found to be smoking or vaping at fields, they will be asked to not return to umpire the DRSA for the 2023 season.
If a player or team receives a by-law fine, their team will also be fined by the DRSA for the same amount that the DRSA is fined.. ($490.00 per player)

Teams will have 10 days to pay a fine, if the fine is not paid then the team will be removed from the schedule until the fine is paid..
Any member of the DRSA who is fined will be suspended for 2 additional games..


As stated in your permit, it is the responsibility of the permit holder to assist in enforcing these laws during your permitted time.


The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, combined with the regional Smoking and Vaping By-law, prohibits smoking and vaping on municipal property, including publicly-owned outdoor sporting areas, spectator areas, playgrounds, public areas, and parking lots.  The Permit Holder is responsible to ensure that no smoking occurs on municipal property for the duration of this permit and to ensure any person(s) smoking and/or vaping leave the property or extinguish the cigarette.  The Permit Holder’s failure to fulfill this responsibility under the law could be subject to an offence charge and face a fine.

Posted by David Thebeau, Created Fri May 5, 2023, Updated Fri May 5, 2023

Schedule is up and how to integrate to your phone

integrate team calendar/schedule into your own Google Calendar, Outlook 2007, or any other calendar that supports internet calendar subscriptions.

How to Import Your Schedule into Google Calendar
  1. Ensure the export links are enabled for the schedule.
  2. Navigate to the export links on your team calendar
  3. Right-Click the Subscribe link and choose Copy Shortcut from the menu.
  4. Open a new browser window and log into your Google Calendar.
  5. Under Other Calendars choose, Add -> Add By Url
  6. Right click on the Url field, and choose Paste to paste in the shortcut you just copied
  7. Click the Add Calendar button to add your team calendar.

How to Import Your Schedule into Outlook 2007 (or newer)
  1. Ensure the export links are enabled for the schedule.
  2. Navigate to the export links on your team calendar
  3. Right-Click the Subscribe link and choose Copy Shortcut from the menu.
  4. Open Outlook 2007 and go to:
    File Menu -> Data File Management... -> Internet Calendars tab
  5. Click the New... button
  6. Hit Ctrl+V keys to paste in the calendar url you just copied
  7. Click the Add button to add your team calendar.
  8. Click OK
  9. Click Close

How to Import Your Schedule into your iPhone
  1. Ensure the export links are enabled for the schedule.
  2. Navigate to the export links on your team calendar using your iPhone
  3. Tap and hold the Subscribe link until the “Copy” box appears, Tap Copy (You might have to do this to the ICAL link instead)
  4. Go back to the home screen on your iPhone and select Settings
  5. Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars
  6. Select Add Account… under Accounts
  7. Select Other at the bottom
  8. Select Add Subscribed Calendar
  9. Select the Server box and tap Paste
  10. Select Next
  11. Optionally modify the description

**Note** - If you are seeing the following error message "Unable to verify account information", we're not exactly certain what it means. We suspect that this may happen if you are already connected to an Outlook or Google calendar using iOS4. You can try the following workarounds:

  • Subscribe to the calender via Outlook & then sync through Outlook.
  • Subscribe to the calendar via Google Calendar & then sync through Google Calendar.
  • Try Resetting your Network Settings ** NOT TESTED - DO AT OWN RISK**
    You can try the following steps to reset your network settings, be warned we're not responsible for what happens. If you are willing to take the risk, please let us know how you make out.
    Go to:
    Settings -> General -> Reset (all the way at the bottom) -> Reset Network Settings

How to Import Your Schedule into your Blackberry Device

Blackberries currently do not provide direct integration for subscribing to online calendars. However, there are two ways to get around this limitation: Method 1 - Sync your Blackberry with MS Outlook, or Method 2 - Sync your Blackberry with Google Calendar

Method 1 - Sync your Blackberry with Outlook
  1. Ensure the export links are enabled for the schedule.
  2. Ensure the Blackberry Desktop Software 6.x is installed on your computer
  3. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer and open the BlackBerry Desktop Software.
  4. Click Organizer.
  5. Click the Configure Settings button.
  6. Select/Check Calendar, and click Setup.
  7. Select the desktop application Microsoft Outlook, and click Next
  8. Select synchronization options and click Next.
  9. If applicable, select Microsoft Outlook options, and click Next.
  10. Click Finish
  11. Click OK to close the Select Device application window.
  12. Ensure that at least one type of organizer data has the check box is selected, and then click the Sync button
  13. Follow the instructions above for How to Import Your Schedule into Outlook

Method 2 - Sync your Blackberry with Google Calendar
  1. Ensure the export links are enabled for the schedule.
  2. Download & install the Google Sync App for your blackberry
  3. If you don't already have a google calendar account, Sign up for Google Calendar
  4. Follow the instructions above for How to Import Your Schedule into Google Calendar
Posted by David Thebeau, Created Wed Apr 4, 2018, Updated Sun Apr 30, 2023

2022 Feedback
If you would like to provide feedback on the 2022 season click the link below


Posted by David Thebeau, Created Sat Jul 3, 2021, Updated Sun Apr 30, 2023

Last day to finalize rosters

Today is the last day to finalize your rosters, all players must be registered to play by end of day today.

Here is the link for any individuals to complete their registration

Coaches must add to the roster by end of day today as well. 

Posted by David Thebeau, Created Sat Jul 1, 2017

2017 Player Registration is now available



Posted by David Thebeau, Created Sun Apr 2, 2017

2017 Player registration is now available




Players can register one of two ways. 

1) Register via E-mail received once team captain registers players.



Team captains please use this document to assist you. 

DRSA Player Registration.pptx

DRSA Player Registration.pptx
Posted by David Thebeau, Created Wed Apr 6, 2016, Updated Mon Feb 11, 2019

Player registration is now online
DRSA Player Registration.pptx (216.47 K)

Players can register one of two ways. 

1) Register via E-mail received once team captain registers players.



Team captains please use this document to assist you. 

DRSA Player Registration.pptx


Posted by David Thebeau, Created Wed Apr 6, 2016

League is looking for Sponsors

The Durham Regional Slo-pitch Association is an adult league supporting Men’s, Women’s and Co-ed divisions who currently play games every night of the week from Monday to Friday.  We play out of the Lake Front West Diamonds in Oshawa.

We currently have 100 teams registered for the upcoming season, which include over 1200 active participants.

We are seeking your sponsorship for the 2015 season.
In exchange for a small contribution towards our league, we offer:

  • A link from our website to your company website.  Our website consistently receives approximately 250,000 hits per year.
  • Your company logo on our business cards for the 2014 Season.
  • Your company flyer in our team packages that we distribute to all 100 teams in our organization.  You are welcome to include company information, specials, or even a coupon as part of this flyer.
  • An opportunity to attend our season kick-off meeting to give a brief talk to promote your business to our league membership.

Should you decide to support our league, we strongly feel that this will be a mutually beneficial relationship.  The cost is only $100 which can be in the form of cash or cheque.  If you wish your to promote your business even more, you can contribute $75 in cash along with a $25 gift-card to be used as a prize at our banquet.  We appreciate and look forward to your support.

If you have any questions, please give me a call.

With thanks,

Chris Burke  
President D.R.S.A.

Posted by David Thebeau, Created Fri Jan 4, 2013, Updated Tue Jan 6, 2015

Welcome to!
Welcome to!

The Durham Regional Slo-pitch Association is an adult league supporting mens, womens, and co-ed divisions currently playing games on Monday - Friday nights. (2 games/night)

We play out of Lakefront West in Oshawa from Mon-Fri. Currently we have 100 teams.
6 --> Ladies (Primarily Thursday nights)
32 --> Coed ( Primarily Wednesday nights)
62 --> Mens (All nights)

We only accept team registrations not individuals. 
Please Note: We do have players looking to join a team, and teams looking to fill out their roster, so if you are one of those people, please check out the forum section of our website.

**All posts made for other leagues will be deleted by website administrator**


Posted by DRSA Website Administrator, Created Wed Mar 31, 2010, Updated Thu Jun 26, 2014