*If the ejection is in the first game the player is still ejected for the second game as well.
If there is a spectator who is not associated with either team, the umpire will halt the game until the spectator has left the field.
If an umpire is found to be smoking or vaping at fields, they will be asked to not return to umpire the DRSA for the 2023 season.
If a player or team receives a by-law fine, their team will also be fined by the DRSA for the same amount that the DRSA is fined.. ($490.00 per player)
Teams will have 10 days to pay a fine, if the fine is not paid then the team will be removed from the schedule until the fine is paid..
Any member of the DRSA who is fined will be suspended for 2 additional games..
As stated in your permit, it is the responsibility of the permit holder to assist in enforcing these laws during your permitted time.
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, combined with the regional Smoking and Vaping By-law, prohibits smoking and vaping on municipal property, including publicly-owned outdoor sporting areas, spectator areas, playgrounds, public areas, and parking lots. The Permit Holder is responsible to ensure that no smoking occurs on municipal property for the duration of this permit and to ensure any person(s) smoking and/or vaping leave the property or extinguish the cigarette. The Permit Holder’s failure to fulfill this responsibility under the law could be subject to an offence charge and face a fine.